Version 5.3.0 with title list overlap analysis and specialized reports is out!

Posted over 1 year ago by Simona Popelková

Simona Popelková
Simona Popelková Admin

Welcome to Celus version 5.3! Let us know what you think about our new features! 

  • Overlap analysis – you can now compare titles present in your Celus with an uploaded list of titles. Read more
  • Celus is now able to generate specialized reports. So far, the ARL report used in the USA and the Rebiun report required by Spanish libraries are implemented. We are currently preparing the ACRL/IPEDS report. Read more about how to use the specialized reports.
  • It is now possible to delete a user-created platform together with all its data.
  • Release dates were added to the changelog and releases pages.

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