Let us know what you would like CELUS to do!

Posted almost 2 years ago by Simona Popelková

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Simona Popelková
Simona Popelková Admin

Welcome to the feature requests forum! We're excited to hear your ideas and feedback on how we can improve Celus. This is the perfect place for you to share your thoughts and suggestions with us, as well as to engage with other users and discuss your ideas.

We value your input and are committed to making CELUS the best it can be. Your ideas and feedback are essential in helping us understand your needs and priorities, and we take them seriously.

Feel free to start a new thread to submit your feature request or join an existing conversation. We're here to listen and engage with you, and we look forward to hearing your ideas!

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Simona Popelková

Simona Popelková posted 12 months ago Admin

Hi Denise, 

we are still in the phase of feedback collection. Please come talk to us at booth #306 at ER&L conference so we can pick your brain! We are very much looking forward to meeting you in person :-)



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Denise Gehring posted 12 months ago

Any updates on the cost per use information? I tried searching the knowledge base for it to learn about it but came up with nothing.

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Rachel Erb posted over 1 year ago

Hi Simona,

Thanks for these details!  Some of our members are interested in the Consortia Manager option, and Krystof will reach out to me when you all think it is ready. This option will not include our statefunded resources and is more of a benefit to our members who wish to participate.

Reworking the current CPU module: If it would help, we have no issue with us having to manually upload the pricing data for the databases and e-journal packages associated with our state-funded collection.

We use MS Power BI to create an e-resources dashboard that computes cost-per-use metrics for the state-funded collection. The problem is that we fund certain databases for the state colleges and different ones for the universities, and some universities have local subscriptions to what we fund for the colleges. Gale's Opposing Viewpoint is a good example of this--funded for the colleges and not the universities, but several universities have their own subscriptions. Because we fund some Gale resources for the universities, we also harvest their stats for Opposing Viewpoints. I am not sure how this could be parsed out and it may be too time-consuming for your team.

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Simona Popelková

Simona Popelková posted over 1 year ago Admin

Dear Rachel,

Well noted, thank you for your suggestion. Indeed, this is a very useful feature with great added value, however, not an easy one to implement. As you know, we have an integration with Consortia Manager (https://consortiamanager.com/), where Celus is providing usage stats for the platforms and titles available in ConsortiaManager. Nonetheless, the integration is not as streamlined as we would like it to be, therefore, we are working on an integration with ConsortiaManager v2.0 that would be seamless, fast and reliable. Our internal plan is it have something tangible available in Q4/2023 and we are doing our best to fulfil the promise. 

We are also considering reworking the cost-per-use module we currently have in Celus, which works only on a platform level and is rather basic. Our internal plan is to have a new version by the end of 2023.

Last but not least, Celus has a "tiered architecture" which means the front-end and the back-end are connected with REST API. This API could be used by "any" 3rd party tools (analytical tools, BI tools, etc) to automatically pull data from Celus on a regular basis which might potentially be also an interesting option for you?

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Rachel Erb posted almost 2 years ago

Hi! I have a feature request. We would love for CELUS to be able to calculate and generate cost-per-use reports at the database and e-journal title (and package) levels. Thanks!

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